ChatGPT, DALL-E, Sora, Stable Diffusion, Gemini, Midjourney & Co. – Use of AI in the creative sector

The creative sector has experienced a remarkable transformation in recent years through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Sora, Stable Diffusion, Gemini and Midjourney are playing an increasingly important role in the daily work of digital agencies and influencing how digital projects such as website creation and digital advertising campaigns are implemented.

In this article, we compare the different AI tools, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and show how they can be used in the everyday life of a digital agency.


This article is based on practical experience from everyday project work in our company. It makes no claim to completeness or constant topicality. Ultimately, we are describing our personal view of an extremely rapidly evolving area in which new breakthroughs are achieved almost every day.

ChatGPT: Text generation and conversational AI


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a powerful tool for text content creation. It can handle a variety of tasks, from generating blog posts and social media posts to automated customer communication. ChatGPT stands out for its ability to compose human-like texts that can be customized in tone and content.


ChatGPT's biggest weakness is its need for human oversight. While its texts are often of high quality, they can sometimes be inaccurate or inappropriate, requiring post-editing. It also lacks the deeper creativity and understanding of cultural nuances that human writers bring.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

In a digital agency, ChatGPT can be used to create content for websites, blogs, and social media. It can also be used to quickly respond to customer queries in chatbots, which can significantly increase efficiency in customer service.

With ChatGPT, computer scientists also have a very exciting tool for programming, software architecture and administration. ChatGPT not only answers questions, it also generates new code and optimizes existing code. However, it can quickly lead to problems if you blindly rely on the results of the AI. In order to use ChatGPT effectively in these areas, it is still imperative to have the necessary know-how or expertise to correctly interpret the generated results and correct them if necessary.

DALL-E: AI-generated image worlds


DALL-E, also developed by OpenAI, enables the generation of images based on text input. The power of DALL-E lies in its ability to create completely new and creative imagery that goes beyond what can be achieved with traditional design tools.


A weakness of DALL-E is that it reaches its limits when it comes to producing very specific or realistic images. It is great for abstract or surreal visuals, but struggles to produce consistent and realistic images, especially with complex scenes or human figures.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

For digital agencies, DALL-E is a valuable tool for implementing visual ideas quickly and flexibly. It can be used to create mockups, advertising banners or illustrations that are used in digital projects such as websites or social media campaigns.

Sora: Efficient video creation


Sora is a specialized tool for automated video creation. It allows you to quickly and efficiently generate video content by converting text into visual content. This is especially useful for agencies that regularly need to produce videos for advertising or social media.


Sora's weakness is its limited creative control. Because the tool is highly automated, users have less influence over the end result compared to traditional video editing programs. It can also struggle to implement complex or particularly creative video ideas.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

Sora can be used in a digital agency for rapid production of video content, especially for social media or simple explainer videos. It is well suited to projects where speed and efficiency are more important than detailed creative control.

Stable Diffusion: Image generation and image processing at a high level


Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI tool that can be used both to adapt existing images and to generate completely new imagery. One of Stable Diffusion's greatest strengths is its flexibility and versatility. It allows the creation of images that range from realistic to abstract and artistic. This makes it ideal for digital agencies that need both unique visuals for campaigns and want to efficiently edit existing imagery.

In addition to pure image generation, Stable Diffusion also offers extensive image editing capabilities. It can be used to apply complex effects and filters or to change specific elements in an image. This dual ability - both to generate new images and to refine existing ones - makes it an extremely valuable tool in creative work.


One of the challenges of working with Stable Diffusion is the complexity of the system, especially in terms of the different models, checkpoints and LORAs (Low-Rank Adaptation). These components allow the AI to be tailored to specific styles or use cases, but require a deeper technical understanding. Without sufficient knowledge in these areas, using Stable Diffusion can quickly become overwhelming, presenting a steep learning curve for those new to AI-based image processing and generation.

Another potential problem is that Stable Diffusion, similar to other AI models, reaches its limits when creating realistic human figures or very specific details. The results can sometimes be inconsistent and therefore require manual post-processing.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

Stable Diffusion offers a wide range of possible applications for digital agencies. On the one hand, it can be used to develop completely new visual concepts - ideal for creative projects where originality and visual uniqueness are important. On the other hand, existing images can be optimized using Stable Diffusion and adapted to different requirements, such as adaptation to different platforms or target groups.

By using specific models and checkpoints, agencies can also ensure that the images generated or edited meet exactly the desired style and aesthetic requirements. This makes Stable Diffusion an extremely valuable tool in digital design and enables agencies to make their creative processes more efficient and versatile.

However, using Stable Diffusion effectively often requires technical know-how, especially when it comes to configuring and customizing the models. Therefore, digital agencies should ensure they either have the necessary expertise or invest in appropriate training to be able to exploit the full potential of this tool.

Gemini (formerly Bard by Google): Intelligent text generation and data processing


Gemini, originally known as Bard, is an AI tool from Google that specializes in text generation and processing large amounts of data. Gemini's strength lies in its deep integration with the Google ecosystem, making it particularly useful for analyzing data, generating reports, and optimizing search engine content.


While Gemini is very strong in analysis and text processing, it lacks the creative capabilities of other AI tools like DALL-E or Midjourney. It is currently unable to generate images or complex creative content, which limits its scope of use.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

In digital agencies, Gemini can be used to optimize SEO texts, analyze user behavior, and generate reports. It is a valuable tool for data-driven decision making and optimizing digital content.

Midjourney: Creative inspiration and idea generation


Midjourney is an AI tool that specializes in creative ideas and inspiration. It can analyze complex data sets to make new and innovative suggestions for creative projects. Midjourney is particularly strong in the early conception phase of a project when fresh ideas are needed.


One of Midjourney's weaknesses is that it often needs strong human guidance to make truly useful suggestions. Without clear instructions, it can tend to provide generic or less relevant ideas.

Possible uses in digital agencies:

Digital agencies can use Midjourney to overcome creative blocks and develop new approaches to campaigns or designs. It's great for brainstorming sessions and exploring new creative avenues.

Summary: The influence of AI in the creative sector

Artificial intelligence has already significantly changed the everyday working life in digital agencies. Each of the tools mentioned has specific strengths, be it efficient text generation with ChatGPT, creative image creation with DALL-E or data-based analysis and text optimization with Gemini.

But as with any tool, there are also weaknesses that require careful selection and application. The various tools are still rarely able to completely replace human resources and work best when used with the support of competent specialists.

In the coming years, AI's influence on the creative sector will only increase. Tools will become more sophisticated and better at taking on more complex tasks. For digital agencies, this will mean an even deeper integration of AI into the creative process, with humans continuing to play a central role in controlling and refining the results. Human-machine collaboration will become the norm, and those agencies that use AI wisely will have the edge in the competition.
